Saturday, December 29, 2007

The RIAA Has Given Up, All Music is Now Free

On July 28Th, 2003, when Mitch Brainwol was chosen to head the RIAA fight against illegal music downloading, he said he was "delighted" to take on the role, adding, "What could be more rewarding than helping to promote two great American traditions: music, and property rights?"

Now however, in an official RIAA statement, Brainwol said he would be calling off all RIAA activities and making all music everywhere free.

"This job is hard, man," a heartbroken and crying Brainwol said, "I had to do all of these public statements and figure out ways of screwing people off without making them angry, but then they just download music and I don't know what to do!"

During the past four years, Brainwol has been in and out of rehabilitation clinics for abusing drugs such as cocaine, marijuana, alcohol, prescription drugs, human souls, and dry erase markers. He blames all of his drug problems on stress caused by his job, his wife, and illegal music downloading.

The new contract, known as, "The Contract" will be signed via IRC between Brainwol and a man known only as B1ith3wi110w, The Pirate Commander. The terms of the contract include the RIAA signing away all rights and transferring all music to various hackers, so that they may be uploaded to torrent sites and file sharing networks around the world.

"I'm surprised," said a hacker known as FL1337B4Nk, "I thought music was already free. It's simply shocking to me that someone would pay for it, considering that it's just, like, sound and stuff."

B1ith3wi110w, The Pirate Commander refused to interview with The Daily Century, but said only that this was a great win for the worldwide free culture movement, and that he may release his identity in the near future due to such wins. He also transferred to us a Beatles anthology, the I Am Legend DVD release, and Windows XP Black Edition.

In a final talk with B1it3wi110w, The Pirate Commander, Brainwol stated, "I hope I can finally rest easy, knowing, that at least Napster won't suck any more."

Friday, December 21, 2007

Guy Actually Reads YouTube Comments, Takes Them Seriously

Herbert Jordan of Portsmouth, NH, said later last evening that he actually reads the comments on videos posted on, and takes them seriously. He'll even read deep into the last pages of comments and base decisions on what irrelevant idiots had to say about the video.

"I love the interactive environment" said Jordan, "YouTube comments are how I spend most of my time, the people there are genuine and don't judge me or anybody else. They like to make the YouTube experience better, and my YouTube experience is soooooo much better than other peoples, because i read the comments to get the full immersion in the video and its standpoint in the internet blah blah blah blah blah yada yada yada OMG! etc. RON PAUL FOR THE LONG HAUL!!!!!"

Jordan rarely actually comments on YouTube videos, instead acting as a human sponge, absorbing all of the prepubescent and idiotic opinions, and acting as almost a human representation of every YouTube comment since 2005. He has a YouTube T-shirt that he wears often.

Jordan also doesn't post videos on YouTube, saying that posting isn't part of his mission.

"It's up to me to be knowledgeable about the largest social network video site on the internet. It has so much importance in future history, and it really matters what the people who are on this historic site say, THATS A FAKE ITS FAKE heh, that was funny lol."

Indeed, YouTube does serve an important role in society, and Jordan has dedicated his life to knowledge of the commenting on YouTube. Many in the community believe he should get paid for his work and have commissioned the town for a salary. Among them are his mom, Delila Jordan.

"Well, he certainly spends a lot of time reading those comments, and he doesn't have a job, And this would be a great opportunity for him to...move out."

"YouTube does serve a vital role in society" John stated, "And as long as it's there, people like me are going to dedicate their lives to it."

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bush Might Play Call of Duty 4 Instead of Invading Iran

In an exclusive Daily Century interview with President George W. Bush, Bush said he liked the game "Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare" so much that he doesn't really feel like invading Iran anymore, and might just replay the singe player game or try to get more perks in the multilayer instead.

"He really seems to like the game," said Vice President Dick Cheney, "He spends hours and hours on it and whenever I try to approach him about attacking Iran, he just says, "No" or "Just a minute" but it often takes much longer than a minute, and by the time he's ready to do work we've run out of time to discuss invading Iran and he has to go off on some meeting."

"T3h G4m3 pwnzOrz!!" said Bush, "It rOxxOrz!!1!!!11!! I pwn 4LL t3h t3rrOr1st nOObz!! OMGWTFBBQ?"

Since Bush refused to speak in anything but L337, we had to continue our interview with Vice President Dick Cheney. He stated that unless Call of Duty 4 stopped being so entertaining, Bush may forgo the invasion of Iran altogether.

"That really disappoints me, you know, because I was really looking forward to our invasion plan and all. We even have an exit strategy for this one. It would just be so much fun and I'm so bummed that all he wants to do is play that video game all the time."

Bush has since beaten the game on "veteran" level difficulty, collected all pieces of enemy intelligence unlocking all cheats, and is on level 52 in the multi player game. He says he is looking forward to "Rainbow Six: Vegas 2" "Grand Theft Auto 4" and "Duke Nukem Forever."

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Jobs' Love Child Born With Turtleneck Already On

The love child of Chris-Ann-Joan-Laurene Woznan and Apple CEO Steve Jobs was born today at 11:20 AM at the Mayo Clinic in New York City. What startled Doctor John Leibowitz was that the baby was born wearing tiny washed out jeans and the signature Jobs black turtleneck.

The boy, named iJobs-G5, came in at 6 lbs, 4 oz and is completely healthy, except it was not determined whether or not the clothes would pose a health risk for the baby or the mother, though ever thing seemed to be in order.
"My iJobs-G5 is beautiful, he's so small and compact, he reminds me of my laptop, except there's no headphone jack" Jobs said later that day to associated press, adding only that the child will likely go into the bin where he keeps all his children, and that he had nothing further to comment.

This child makes Jobs' 119,000,000th, which coincidentally matches the number of iPods sold to the public. The number is expected to increase after the recently launched advertisement campaigns for the iPod Nano and Touch.

"He's just such a beautiful man" said Woznan, Jobs' mistress, "Something about his shapely figure and design just drew me to him. Plus he invented the iPhone, I mean, he invented it."

Whatever the reason, Jobs' love streak seems to be going on without end, since it's beginning in 2001. Laurene Powel, Jobs' wife, has not said anything about the screw-a-thon, but is expected to release a statement sometime in the coming months.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

EBay is Not Electronic Body of Water

Meg Whitman, CEO of eBay, Jeff Bezos, CEO of, and Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of held a joint press conference today at the Dunkin' Donuts Centre in Providence RI to discuss problems threatening all three businesses, and to inform the public of great misconceptions about the websites.

Said Bezos in the CEOs joint opening statement, "In short, is not a free trip to the rainforest, Facebook is not just a book of faces, eBay is not an electronic body of water, and USA Today is a waste of trees."

Shock filled the auditorium as people learned that eBay itself contained no water at all, and was in fact, a website in which people can buy and sell goods online.

"Then why didn't you call it eBuy?" a reporter asked.
"Well" Whitman explained calmly, "We were going to name it Echo Bay but the domain name was taken."
"But that makes even less sense!" the reporter replied, "I'm so confused."

"And what's with" another correspondent asked, "That has nothing to do with an online store."
"You see, we originally just sold books" said Bezos, "And the Amazon is the world's most voluminous river. I suppose it was a pun what with volume and everything."
"Why not Amazon Books then?"
"I dunno, I suppose it just didn't come to mind, I didn't think people would get so confused over the matter."

Mark Zuckerberg was not very happy over the events that had occurred, stating that in an age of technology, progress, and constant change, people simply take things too literally.

"Facebook is one of the biggest online social networks in existence, and I'm sick and tired of people thinking that it's just a book of faces. It's a whole lot more than that, really."

The three CEOs summed up by warning of the dangers of taking things too literally and encouraging all to think less about the name and more about the services provided by the website, hoping this conference would clear up all future misconceptions.

Google Invents Web 4.0, Won't Share

CEO of Google Eric Schmidt announced today that chief scientists at Google Labs have stumbled upon Web 4.0, the next-gen version of the internet that puts our internet (Web 2.0) to shame.

"It's so much faster" Says Google employee Nate Sheckenhausen, "It's a whole new experience, with all new audio and visual stimuli that allow me to see the internet in a new dimension, my productivity rate has increased tenfold since I started using it. It will really be great to see the technological advances this will allow for Google." Adding, "God I love my job."

Unfortunately, Schmidt has said he won't release Web 4.0, "until it's ready." saying that the new web revolution still needs some tweaking and cleaning so that, "Google for Web 4.0 will be the best way to do anything ever, it may even replace food."

When asked how Google made this new discovery, Schmidt explained, "Well, one of our scientists just finished taking a dump on our Japanese gold-plated, electronic, auto-flushing, wipe-your-ass-for-you toilets when he decided to search our own database for "Web 4.0" and it turns out the collective digital genius of all our employees had actually created it a few months ago.

"I just typed it in and it was there" says Johnathan Coleham, the scientist who discovered it. "I think the toilet might have had something to do with it."

Whatever the reason, Google has invented a new platform that the rest of the world will probably end up utilizing and worshipping for years to come.

The Daily Century: News For Those Of Us Who Have a Whole Lot of Spare Time

This is the first post for the most authentic blog on the Internet, The Daily Century. In an Internet filled with lies, deception, idiots, hackers, flash games, and Google, The Daiy Century' s mission is to stand out as a guiding blog of truth, understanding, authenticity, factualness, actuality, genuineness, validity, legitimacy, and any other word I happen to find in the thesaurus for "truth."

I, Gawd, am your editor, poster, writer, and all-around has-enough-time-to-waste-on-a-blog person. And I solemnly swear, I will never lie about anything ever.


Technology news extracted from the core of reality, it's The Daily Century.